About Us
About Us
We Are Leading Company
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Non Metallic)
(American Water Works Association)
(American Society for Testing and Material)
Revenue in 2017 (Million)
Collaegues & Counting
Successfully Project
Year of experience
The Team
Our Experts

Mike Rich
Lead Architect

Jenny Smith
Head Engineer (US)

George Doe
Head Engineer (CN)

Maria Jay
Head Engineer (AU)
Why Choose Us?
HSE Policy
- Integrating workplace health and safety into all aspects of its operations;
- Identifying hazards, assessing risk and implementing control strategies to minimize risk of injury to people and property;
- Ensuring that relevant health and safety laws that apply to working conditions and the work environment are observed and enforced;
- Developing and implementing safe systems of work;
- Providing adequate safety information, training and supervision;
- Designing, purchasing, installing and maintaining a safe site and machinery;
- Ensuring that the workplace under their control is safe and without undue risks to health;
- Ensuring that the behavior of all persons in the workplace is safe and without undue risks to health;
- Attempting to remedy all problems relating to workplace health and safety;
- Consulting with workers and other parties to address safety issues and improve decision making on workplace health and safety matters;
- Supporting and assisting workers in effective injury management and rehabilitation.
Trust and Worth
Our Clients
Why Mechprosolution Contracting?
Commitment to Excellence
ASME NM (American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Non Metallic)
AWWA (American Water Works Association)
Shell DEP (Shell Design and Engineering Practice)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Material)
ANSI (American National Standard Institute)
API (American Petroleum Institute)
BSI (British Standard Institute)